A Practical
Algorithm for Surface/Surface Intersection
Huang Xinxiong Zhu
of Mechanical Engineering & Automation,
University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Beijing, 100083)
Abstract: A practical solution to the
surface/surface intersection is presented. This algorithm combines the
techniques of loop detection, point marching and curve approximation, etc.
Given a set theoretical curves constrained by surface/surface intersection
equations, the algorithm can get all the intersection branches, and construct
spline curves to approximate every theoretical curve with least data in terms
of the given tolerance.
The problem of
computing the surface/surface intersection (SSI) curves is a fundamental one in
CAD/CAM. It arises from a broad spectrum of tasks, ranging from solid topology
operation to manufacturing processes.
Given two surfaces and , there would possibly be a parametric equation which exactly expresses
the theoretical intersection curves of those two surfaces:
However, algebraic degree and genus of the intersection
curves are so high that even an SSI curve of two bicubic patches cannot be
expressed precisely by using rational polynomial parametric equations, for only
curves with genus being zero have an exact parametric equation. In general,
numerical solutions are necessary and SSI curves can be approximated by using
parametric curves, for example, by NURBS.
For surface/surface
intersection, the divide-and-conquer algorithm and the marching algorithm are commonly used. In subdivision based algorithms, the
surfaces are subdivided into a great number of facets and the intersection of
surfaces is approximated by the intersection of the facet pairs. Marching
algorithms begin by finding one starting point on the intersection curve and
marching along the curve to get the successive points. But they are inefficient
to deal or incapable to dealing with the singular cases (for example, tangent
or overlap of two surfaces). Hence, it is very hard, if not impossible, to obtain
all the intersection segments (for example, the small intersection loops) in an
SSI algorithm.
In commercial CAD/CAM
systems, an SSI algorithm should be able to obtain all the intersection
curve(s) steadily and exclusively. And, the result curve(s) approximated by
NURBS should be within the given tolerance. The practical solution for
surface/surface intersection should be the combination of many techniques.
This memorandum
presents a practical solution to the surface/surface intersection which combines
the techniques of loop detection, point marching, curve approximation, etc.
Given a set theoretical curves constrained by surface/surface intersection
equations, the goal of the algorithm is to get all the intersection branches,
and constructs a NURBS curve to approximate every theoretical curve with least
numbers of segments in terms of the given tolerance. All the curves can be
found by obtaining an initial marching point for every branch and all the points
and tangent vectors on every curve can be calculated.
The main steps of our
surface/surface intersection algorithm can be summarized as follows:
l Step1: Obtain a starting
point for every intersection curve by exploiting the plane vector field method.
l Step2: March along every
intersection curve steadily to get the successive intersection points with an
adaptive step length calculated by taking advantages of the local curvature of
the curve.
l Step3: Calculate the
significant points on every intersection curve in the marching process and partition
the curve to a number of monotonic intervals.
l Step4: Construct a
NURBS curve fitting the sample points (including significant points and all the
marching points) and get a candidate approximation curve for every theoretical
intersection curve.
l Step5: Estimate the
deviation between the candidate NURBS curve and the theoretical curve in every
interval and check if the deviation is within the given tolerance.
l Step6: If all the
deviations are within the given tolerance, the candidate NURBS is accepted.
Otherwise, add new marching point(s) into the sample points array in the interval(s)
where the deviation exceeds the given tolerance. Go to step 4.
The most difficult
problem in surface/surface intersection is to find all the intersection curves
without missing any one. The intersection of two surfaces may include two types
of curves: (1) closed loops and (2) open branches, as shown in Fig.1.
Fig.1 Types of intersection curves.
It is easy to locate a
starting point on an open branch by simply intersecting all the boundary curves
of each patch with the opposing patch. On the other hand, if closed loops exist,
there is a major challenge in surface intersection algorithm. There are many
different ways to solve this problem, including patch subdivision and loop
In our method an algorithm based on the theory of plane
vector field is exploited to obtain the starting points of all the intersection
curves. The key of intersection finding is relevant to the global searching and
local positioning of intersection area. And, the theories of topology and
differential geometry provide the base to solve the problem. It is convenient
to express an intersection curve as a set of points on the two surfaces with
zero distance which results in the oriented distance function of one surface
from the other. The gradient of the oriented distance function defines a vector
field that is useful in solving the parametric surfaces intersection problems.
An adaptive method in terms of Poincare index was developed that invoked the
rotation number of vector fields to find the critical points of the oriented
distance function between two parametric surfaces. This approach allows the
development of a global method for identifying the areas enclosing small loops
and significant points of the intersection set. Many papers discussed this
method in detail and can be exploited.
Initial approximated points, either starting
points or marching points should relax onto the intersection curve by Newton-Raphson
Given an approximate intersection point , and candidate parameter pairs of surfaces and of . In general, point will not lie on
either surface. The method for point refinement is first to obtain surface
“near points”, which are the points on surface and with a minimum
distance from , as shown in Fig.2.
Fig.2 Point refinement
As shown in Fig.2, projecting the midpoint of
the surface near points and onto the
intersection line of the tangent planes can get the next iterative point. With and as the normals
at the near points on surface and , and with as the third one,
the point for next iteration
can be calculated by Equation (2):
Then, the Newton-Raphson iterative equation set
This process continues iteratively until it converges.
Alternately, the equation set of intersection can be handled
directly by specifying a constant domain parameter as an additional constraint.
This idea can be used to relax boundary points onto surface boundaries. For
example, at or boundary on
surface , it would be possible to incorporate the constraint
directly into the system and a new iteration being a 4 by 4 system with 4
unknowns can obtained. For example, at boundary the
system is:
In trimmed-surface intersection, iteration on trimmed
boundaries should be dealt with. This becomes a problem of curve/surface
intersection. For example, on trimmed boundaries of surface denoted by
parametric curve , the iterative equation set is:
After finding out a point on every intersection curve,
successive intersection points can be generated by going a step in the direction
defined by the local differential geometry of the curve. It is also necessary
to determine the step length at which a new approximative point is obtained. If
a step length is too big the intersection approximations may be wrong and the
point refinement may not converge; if it is too small, the efficiency of the
algorithm decreases. We use an adaptive step length approach based on local
curvature at the intersection point.
For the tangent planes
of two surfaces are not parallel, step vector directions can be calculated by
the cross product of the surface normals. If surface tangent planes are coincide,
the normal curvature is employed to calculate the marching direction. In this
case, marching direction is the direction where two normal curvatures of the
surfaces are equal and can be calculated by Euler formula.
With a step direction known, an adaptive step
length is calculated based on the approximate curvature and chord tolerance . An osculating circle is approximated at a given point to obtain the
radius of curvature. The circle is defined by and its precedent
, and the unit step vectors and on them. The approximated radius of curvature is:
As shown in Fig.3, the step length can be calculated by Equation (7):
where (7)
Fig.3 The step length
Then, the next approximate intersection point , and the candidate parameter pairs () and () of surfaces and , can be calculated in terms of current point with parameter pairs and by Equation (8):
where is the step
vector and is step length. By Equation (3), point can be relaxed
onto the intersection curve and the “real” intersection point can be obtained.
If the Newton-Raphson
iteration for does not
converge, the step length should be
reduced until the iteration converges (It is always possible to make it
converging by making sufficiently small).
The significant points
on intersection curves, such as Border_Points, Turning_Points and Cusp_Points,
subdivide the curves into many monotonic intervals and reflect the overall shape
of the curves, as shown in Fig.4. These points are crucial to the marching
process and keeping consistency of the topology of the intersection curves. Also
the significant points are important and helpful to the processing of curves approximated
The significant points
on surface can be defined
as follows:
l Turning_Points
conditions in u-direction:
and (9)
l Turning_Points
conditions in v-direction:
and (10)
l Cusp_Points
where is the normal
vector on surface . Similarily the significant points on surface can be defined.
Assume that current intersection is , the next marching point is and the domain
value tuples of and are and , respectively.
Fig.4 Significant points on intersection curves
The significant points can be
detected in the marching process as follows:
If ( or or or ), there is a Turning_Point or a Cusps_Point betweeen and .
If ( and and and ), there is a Cusps_point between and .
, (12)
If there is(are)
significant point(s) in interval , the interval should be subdivided gradually to locate the
significant point(s).
Theoritically, finding a starting point and marching along
the curve with the marching step small enough, we can get all the points and it’s
first derivatives for every curve. With the given chord tolerance getting smaller,
enough intersection points can be obtained to reflect the overall shape of
every intersection curve generated by marching procedure. Those points, sampled
from the theoretical intersection curves, serve as the point array for
constructing the initial candidate NURBS by fitting (interpolation or approximation)
Obviously, the candidate NURBS curve goes through
those points precisely or approximatively and the deviations between the
candidate NURBS curve and the theoritical one at those points are within given
tolerance. So we should only estimate the deviation in the corresponding
convenience, we can consider that the maximum deviation in every interval is
located at the point where the parameter value tuples on two surfaces is the
average of those corresponding to two interpolating points. For example, in
interval between points and with the
parameter value tuples being and on two surfaces,
respectively. Then the approximative intersection point to estimate deviation
can be obtained with candidate parameter value tuples on two surfaces.
Relaxing point onto the
intersection curve and projecting it to the candidate curve, the maximum deviation in interval can be obtained.
And, the maximum deviation of all intervals can be calculated. If the maximum
deviation is less then the given tolerance, the procedure stops and the
candidate NURBS curve is the right one. If the deviation(s) in some interval(s)
exceed(s) the given tolerance, new intersection points, for example , should be added into the point array. Estimating all the
deviations interval by interval, adding the point(s) into the point array and
repeating the procedure, we can get the candidate NURBS curves with less and
less deviation. The procedure goes repeatedly until a satisfied curve is
The algorithm has been used to a number of cases in surface/surface
intersections, including blending two surfaces, trimming a surface by another
surface, etc. The algorithm has been realized by ourselves with C and C++, and incorporated
into our commercial CAD/CAE/CAM software system —CAXA-ME.
Fig.5 through Fig.9 show that the algorithm is feasible, stable and efficient.
Fig.5 Intersection curve with singularities Fig.6 Intersection curve with self-intersection
Fig.7 Surfaces intersection with small loop Fig.8 Surfaces intersection with many branches
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